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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Facebook Finds!

I checked my Facebook earlier and I saw I had six photos tagged of me and they totally work for the blog!! Thank god for photographer friends who snap pictures of you at random moments haha!

This is what I look like when I'm slightly tired with nothing on but lipstick. Its not even that bad , I must say. I usually hate candids of me.

Lipstick is by Makeup For Ever (its a dark purple c:), blazer is a thrift find, shirt dress is from Zara, stockings are from Tokyo, belt is from...a few years ago lol. I don't remember where I got it. And the bracelet is from a vacation to Panama City this summer with my friend Tyler :)
I was hanging at SCAD dorms that night with some friends and decided to go down to the lobby with one of them, Anna. Had to poke around and say hi to some folks haha. Please excuse my hair, it won the fight.

1 comment:

  1. i absolutely love how this photographer caught you in this raw state of mind. well done andree you look stunning!


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